There should be a "Scan Settings" button in each summary tile (outlined in blue) which allows the setting of any needed Project/Job level overrides (e.g. SMB security settings), as well a listing all associated Connections, and Shares/Mounts, with associated check boxes for enabling/disabling; default would have all enabled except for special directories (directories containing other listed shares, or that end with a dollar sign), as well as any share which has a "connection failure" warning --these are marked by an orange colored icon.
This process will start at the "Discovery - Discover Files and Directories located in Storage Systems" screen.
The "Discovery - Storage Systems" shows the discovered systems and their associated scan settings.

To access the "Scan Settings" perform the following process steps:
- Click on the Scan Settings icon.

The display will expand downward to show the scan settings for the associated Storage System. In this example that is "NFS - Rack 4".

Hover over the Discover Scan Settings header to display the tooltip (outlined in blue):
"Project level settings area applied to Discover Scans of all associated Storage Connections"

Discover Scan Settings
The Discover Scan Settings include:
- SMB Version (outlined in dark blue)
- SMB Security (outlined in green)
- Report Formats (outlined in purple)

Editing Discover Scan Settings
Editing SMB Version:
The available options for SMB projects are:
- SMB 3/2.1
- SMB 2.0 (Legacy)
- SMB 1.0 (CIFS)
By default the SMB version of 3/2.1 is selected.
To edit the SMB Version perform the following process steps:
- Click on the Down-Arrow to display the options in a drop-down menu (outlined in blue).
1. SMB 3/2.1
2. SMB 2.0 (Legacy)
3. SMB 1.0 (CIFS)

- Click on the desired SMB version.
In this example SMB 3/2.1 is selected.

The SMB version field reflects the chosen version.

Editing SMB Security
SMB Security options are:
- Kerberos
General Notes:
- The Parsec appliance only supports authentication using an active directory. Workgroups are not supported.
- When adding SMB storage, be sure to create/use a service account that belongs to the "Domain Backup Operators" group. Granting this service account the Backup Operators privilege will prevent files or directories from being skipped due to complex, or incomplete permissions.
- Make sure that this service account is added to the DACL of any migration destination with Full Control permissions.
Using Kerberos Authentication:
- By default, the Parsec appliance will use NTLM authentication to communicate with the SMB server. To change the authentication type to use Kerberos instead, manually change the source/destination security in the Project level of a migration job or in the scan settings for Discovery.
- Kerberos requires that DNS names be used instead of IP addresses. When adding storage, make sure the storage hostname/FQDN is used, and the user account is in the User Principal Name (UPN) format and that the UPN suffix/Kerberos realm is in all CAPS. For example:[email protected]
- Confirm that there are valid DNS entries for both the Parsec appliance and the storage. Use the testing tools on the Networking page to verify the storage is reachable using its FQDN/hostname and that the IP it resolves to is correct/expected.

- Click on the desired Security Choice (NTLM in this example)

The NTLM option will be in blue (activated) and the Kerberos option becomes grey'd out (inactive).

Scan Shares
The Discovery Scan feature identifies and provides a file share count for NFS and SMB systems. There is a limit to the number of shares that can be scanned at the same time.
The "File Share Limit" defines the number of file shares that can be scanned at the same time. This value is preset at four (4) and is not changeable.
If the number of shares selected are in excess of four (4), the excess shares will be placed in a queue to be added one share at a time as shares complete, until all shares are processed.
If the the number of shares detected is 45, with 4 selected (see example below outlined in blue).
If there are more than four (4) shares selected four (4) shares will be processed while the remaining shares will be placed in a queue to be processed as a share completes.

The reporting in Discovery supports the following formats (outlined in blue):
The default reporting formats are:

- Select the Report Formats desired by clicking on the associated icons.
In this example HTML, CSV, JSON and XML are selected.

Select Mountpoints
Directly below the Discover Scan Settings section of the screen is the "Discover File System Targets" section.

By default Select All Mountpoints option is selected. This is shown by all check-boxes being active (outlined in green).

Selecting Less Than all Mountpoints:
To define less than all mountpoints perform the following steps:
- Click on the Select All Mountpoints check-box twice to de-activate the option.

This will uncheck all mountpoints (outlined in blue).

- Select the desired mountpoints by checking the associated check-box to the mountpoints to be selected.
In this example " /techwriter_nfs_1", "/techwriter_nfs_2", "/techwriter_nfs_3", and "/techwriter_nfs_4" will be selected.

The File Shares line (outlined in blue) will be updated to reflect that only 4 shares are now selected.

Edit Connection Settings
- Click on the Advanced Options (Wrench) icon.

The display will expand downward to show the connection settings (outlined in green) for the associated Storage System (outlined in blue). In this example that is "NFS Row 2 ".

The only field that can be edited is the Label field. The Protocol and Address fields (outlined in blue) are grey'd out to show they are inactive.
If the cursor is hovered over either field the universal symbol for "NOT" is shown.

Finalizing Edit Scan Settings
To finalize and update scan settings perform the following:
- Click on the "X" in the Scan Settings banner.

The changes will be reflected in the Storage System summaries.

Summary Tile "i" (Informational) Icons
The following are examples of the informational icons provided in the Discovery function.
Storage Connection Addresses:
- Hovering over the "i" (Informational) icon will provide the following information (outlined in blue):
- System Connection (NFS-Row 2)
- Connection Address (
The values below are for illustrative purposes. Actual values will be depend on the Appliance configuration in use.

Discover Connections and Targets - Storage Connection Details
- "Storage Connection details" are located in the Discover File System Targets section of Scan Settings.
- The values below are for illustrative purposes.
- Actual values will be depend on the Appliance configuration in use.
- Hovering over the "i" (Informational) icon associated with "NFS - BP150" will provide the following information (outlined in blue):
- Label (NFS Row 2)
- Status (Successful / Unsuccessful)
- Protocol (NFS or SMB)
- Connection Address (

Mountpoint (Storage Asset) Details:
The values below are for illustrative purposes. Actual values will be depend on the Appliance configuration in use.
- Hovering over the "i" (Informational) icon associated with "NFS_data/techwriter_nfs_1" will provide the following information (outlined in blue):
- Label (not configured)
- Mountpoint (/RACK5CDOT_NFS_data/techwriter_nfs_1)
- Connection Address (
- Writable (true/false)
- Preserve Access Times (true/false)

This completes the overview of Scan Settings - Review and Revise.
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