Discovery is a special type of project that contains scan jobs for the selected File shares/exports profiling each for the size of files and number of files found --this data is primarily useful for estimating how long a data movement job might take, but there may be other uses as well. The "Discover Now" function examines the systems for NFS and SMB assets to create a "Discovery" project and jobs.
To access the "Discovery" screen perform the following process steps:
- Click on the Discovery link under the DATA SERVICES banner. This will expand to show the administrative options.

This will display the Discovery screen (title outlined in blue).
The discovery landing page will show a row or grid of cards containing Filer (tStorageSubsystem in pxstore parlance) information from Storage System, each File card will show:
- The Filer Label (outlined in green).
- Other Filer Order Information (outlined in blue).
- The Count of All Associated File Storage Connections [(tProtocol) and Shares/Mounts (tFSShare)] (outlined in purple).
- Project Settings (outlined in brown).
The storage systems listed on the Discovery landing page are local storage set up on the Local Storage page.

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