Job Reports
Each Job and Project title has a tooltip definition attached to it. It can be seen by hovering over each column header title.
Job Name (Optional) | Job ID

View Job Report - Generate a report for the job.

View Project Report - Generate a report for the job.

Job Report Information
The job report option is used to generate a report outlining the number of files and amount of data discovered for the selected job.

Download Jobs Reports
Discovery information is purged after 5 days - to retain the information it is recommended to download reports prior to them being purged.
The reports may be downloaded in either a HTML or CSV format. The process to save either format is the same.
- To generate a job report identify the desired job report to be generated.
- In this example a job report for "Job ID 847" will be generated.
- Click on the Purple Report icon to the left of "847".

This will open a separate browser tab to display the example "Job ID 847" report (outlined in blue).
Just below the Job report header information is a Summary header containing the following Lifetime Summary information (outlined in purple):
- Run Number
- Start Time
- End Time
- Elapsed Time
- Action
- Status
- Bytes Moved
- Files Moved
- Bytes Worked
- Files Worked
When the job completes the Amount of Work Done is displayed (outlined in green).
- Click on the CSV or Json icon.

This will open a local browser pop-up window.
The screenshot below is for illustrative purposes. The actual path provided is dependent on file location on the system in use.

This example shows the steps needed to save a Job Report:
- The actual steps are dependent on the actual file structure of the user's computer.
- In this example the Job report will be saved in the Discovery Jobs folder.
- Navigate to the destination folder.
- Click on the filename field.
File name may be modified to clarify report details.

This will open the Discovery Reports folder.
- Click on the Save icon.

This will save the report to the designated location and this is reflected job report name in the pop-up window in the lower left corner.
This will enable the report to be viewed using a viewer program of choice.

Exiting the Job Report
- To exit the reporting function click the X in the Job Report tab of the active browser window.

This completes the overview of "Discovery Reports" scan feature.
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