Discovery is a special type of project that contains scan jobs for the selected File shares/exports profiling each for the size of files and number of files found --this data is primarily useful for estimating how long a data movement job might take, but there may be other uses as well. The "Discover Now" function examines the systems for NFS and SMB assets to create a "Discover" project and jobs
To access the "Discovery" screen perform the following process steps:
1. Click on the Discovery link under the DATA SERVICES banner. This will expand to show the administrative options.
This will display the Discovery screen.
The discover landing page will show a row or grid of cards containing Filer (tStorageSubsystem in pxstore parlance) information from Storage System, each File card will show:
1. The Filer Label.
2. Other First Order Information.
3. The Count of All Associated File Storage Connections [(tProtocol) and Shares/Mounts (tFSShare)].
4. Project Settings.

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