If an error is encountered while scanning the progress bar will stop short of completed, showing the number of shares examined out of the total number identified, (outlined in green) with a status error message.
Summary Tile Error Message
In the example below there was one (1) error as indicated in the status message located under the progress bar (outlined in orange) "1 error occurred, check Discovery Jobs Status" and 4 of the 5 shares were examined.
Status Field Error Status
The failed Discover job will be shown in the listing of Discovery jobs created. The Status field will show the status of FAILED.
1. Hovering over the ? "i" (Information) icon provides the details of the error encountered during the scan.
Details Include:
- Project Job
- Job Type
- Error Details
- Operation
- Date/Start Time Stamp
- Date/Operation Failed Time Stamp
- Additional Details

Discovery Jobs "Question Mark" Icon
If an error occurs during operation the color coded "i" (information) icon indicates the operation status:
Blue - Means the Operation information contains only Operation Details.
Yellow - Means the Operation information contains Operation Details and an Alert message.
Gray - Means the Operation information is empty because no operation has been run.
Black - Means the Operation information contains an Alert message but no Operation Details.
Red - Means the Operation information contains an error message.
Discover Connections and Targets Errors
If an error occurs during operation the color coded "i" (information) icon indicates the operation status:
Black - Means the Discover Connections and Targets is operating correctly (outlined in black).
Orange - Means the Discover Connections and Targets is not operating correctly (outlined in orange).
Storage Asset Error Status Details
1. Hovering over the color coded "i" (information) icon of the failed asset will display the error condition.
In the example below the error is "Warning: Sharepath connection failure since 2022-09-27 11:41".
Corresponding Error in Local Storage Page
In addition to the Storage Asset Error Status being displayed in the Discovery screen the error is also shown in the Local Storage page.
Below is an example of the same connection error as shown on the Local Storage page.
1. Hovering over the color coded "i" (information) icon of the failed asset will display the error condition.
In the example below the same error "Warning: Sharepath connection failure since 2022-09-27 11:41" is shown.
This completes the overview of "Error Messages While Running Discover Now Scan" feature.
This completes the overview of the Discover Now scan feature.

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