Accessing Discovery Screen
The "Discover Now" function examines the systems for NFS and SMB system assets to create a "Discover" project and associated jobs.
To initiate the "Discover Now" feature perform the following process steps:
1. Click on the Discovery link under the DATA SERVICES banner. This will expand to show the administrative options.
This will display the Discovery screen.
The discover landing page will show: Filer (tStorageSubsystem in pxstore parlance) information from Storage System, each File card will show:
1. A row or grid of cards containing System details.
2. Discovery Jobs Listing.
Discovery Jobs Summary Bar
Under the Discovery Jobs header is the Job Screen Header. This provides the following information:
The Job screen header provides the following summary of data activity information:
- Job Title
- "?" Mark
- Status
- Progress
- Discover Target
- Project
Task Bar Columns Definitions
Each Column header title has a tooltip definition attached to it. Hovering over each column title will provide a pop-up explanation of that column.
Hovering over Job title will provide the following information:
- Generate a report for the job
- Job Name (Optional)
- Job ID
- Link to the Job configuration form
Question Mark Icon
The color coded "i" (information) icon associated with the ? mark column (outlined in green) indicates the operation status:
Blue - Means the Operation information contains only Operation Details.
Yellow - Means the Operation information contains Operation Details and an Alert message.
Gray - Means the Operation information is empty because no operation has been run.
Black - Means the Operation information contains an Alert message but no Operation Details.
Red - Means the Operation information contains an error message.
The colored block and term in the block indicate the status of each job.
NOT RUN - The job has not yet been run.
PENDING - A Job operation has been triggered and the Job state change is pending.
RUNNING - A Job operation is currently in progress.
SUCCESS - The last Job operation completed successfully.
INCOMPLETE - The last Job operation started but was not able to complete.
OPERATORSTOP - The Job operation was manually stopped.
FAILED - A Job operation was triggered but failed to run.
INVALID - The Job configuration is invalid or incomplete. Click on the Job link to edit Job settings.
A progress bar for the last or current Operation. Job Operation messages may include quantity of progressed data, alerts, or Job/Project Disabled state.
Discover Target
Discover Scan Target. Target format is 'TYPE LOCATION'. TYPE strings are NFS, SMB. Location strings are formatted as //ADDRESS/PATH.
There are two parts to the Project column:
- The purple Report icon will generate a report for the project/set.
- Project/Set Name(optional ID) is a link to the project/set configuration form.
This completes the overview of the "Discovery Project and Jobs Dashboard" features.

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